
2009 – Throw Your Hat in the Ring

January 22, 2009

ok, a new year is upon us.  I imagine someone is going to step things up another notch again this year and maybe aim for 20k per day or something that the rest of us will think is crazy.

The challenge is simple, swim a half mile a day for the whole month.  You can swim more, but the challenge is the discipline to get in the pool everyday, not necessarily the workout.

Please feel free to invite anyone and remember to blog your workouts, encourage each other and have fun.

Reply to this post with your name, a little about yourself, how you found out about the challenge and any other goofy stuff about yourself.


  1. I work for Gazelle Sports in Grand Rapids, MI and thought this would be a great way of motivating myself to add a new dynamic to my workout. I know a few people who did this challenge last year and it sounds like a lot of fun.

  2. Now all I need is a pool…..

  3. I swim, I sleep, I eat. Some more than others, not necessarily in that order and the swimming part is rather sporadic. Looking forward to getting this started. Plan on being at either downtown or SE Y and always looking for others to swim with.

  4. 3rd year doing this challenge…looking forward to another great year.

  5. I will be representing down here in Dallas, TX this time. Realistically I won’t be swimming everyday, but my own “February Swim Challenge” will be to swim as much as I can!

    I participated in the past, and since I’m not doing any running right now, this is a great motivator!

    Good luck to all who will go the full 28 days!

  6. I participated the first year and look forward to it agian this year. Especially since I’ve only swam about twice since Reeds Lake Tri 🙂

    Looking for people who want to swim before/after work…near or around downtown GR…and not at the Y (not a member anymore). Ideas let me know, I hear GRCC is a good spot???

    Good luck everyone!

  7. Okay, I am in! I have been doing my own swim challenge and have been in the pool 4 times this week. I already have dry itchy skin and hair! Since I am not able to run currently I accept your challenge! I know I will not be able to make it every day due to work schedule, but am looking forward to some motivation to keep what I have already started going and challenge myself to take it up a notch. I swim at North Rockford Middle School, a year pass is $60, $90 for a family. You can also pay $2/ per swim. I swim mainly over the lunch hour, will need to make it there early in the morning to get more days in!

    Good Luck!

  8. i’m in! looks like day 1 will be in a hotel pool for me in davenport, iowa….yuck. otherwise i’ll be at the Kentwood Pool and I still have a month-membership at the YMCA I will use to swim with others!

    Goal – 3500/day x 28 days = nasty hair/skin or 98,000 yards

  9. I am in – I am gonna need to get seriously creative to find a place to swim – gonna kick it off at the Kentwood pool next Sunday – but after that its gonna be an adventure!

  10. Hey everyone I am in again this year! Ok what to say about myself……Oh yeah I like to swim.

    I will be using the Kentwood Aquatic Center’s pool. A 3 month membership is $32/$46 that is $32 if you live in Kentwood, and $46 if you don’t. Or you can pay as you go for $2.00 resident $2.75 non-resident.


    The pool hours are

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m
    10:30 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
    Tuesday and Thursdays
    10:30 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
    12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    GRCC’s pool hours are:
    Monday-Friday 5:00 AM to 7:55 AM,
    Monday-Friday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM,

    *** this is the noon swim. This is the regular schedule for the Ford Pool, but please understand it is subject to change, sometimes with only a day notice.

  11. My name is Brad Dykstra, Pat Clarin and Andy VanDusen introduced me to this, they told me that they were the best swimmers in this challenge.

  12. Brad’s a loser.

  13. Pat and Matt Clarin introduced me a few years ago and I never went for it for various reasons (laziness being the main culprit). I am in this year and I plan on joining the most modestly priced pool in the area. i will be calling GRCC pool for prices today.

  14. I’m gonna try it this year.

  15. I AM IN!!! Can’t wait to get started!

  16. I survived last year, guess I’m a glutton for punishment. (I’m a glutton for other things, too so that helps with the bouyancy [sp] issue at least.) I logged most my laps at GRCC last year.

  17. I’m in for the first time!

  18. Can’t wait to start the challenge! Third year in a row!!

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